What We Treat

Massage can relieve and help address many muscular skeletal symptoms, but there are occasions where you should seek medical advice.  Are you experiencing any of the below? If so, we advise you make an appointment with your GP for initial diagnosis;

  • Increase in pain intensity over the past 24 hours
  • Tingling, pins & needles or numbness in extremities
  • Difficulties with your bladder or bowel
  • Fever as well as pain

For a more in-depth list of conditions and symptoms you may be experiencing please visit Health Direct.

Click the conditions below to view more:

TMJ DysfunctionTorticollisRotator Cuff TendinitisBreathing DifficultiesFrozen ShoulderHeadachesThoracic Outlet SyndromeRib DysfunctionSciaticaPiriformis SyndromeWhiplashParkinson’s Disease MaintenanceScoliosisTennis/Golfers ElbowTired, Sore, Over/Under Worked MusclesMultiple Sclerosis Support (diagnosed)

The Pain Factor!

Pain is the most obvious symptom of an injury or dysfunction.  It is what signifies to us that we need to stop and take care of our bodies.  At the same time the human mind is very good at protecting itself and will direct the body to compensate, to avoid the pain, delaying pain onset, but not solving the underlying condition.  In fact, it can make the situation worse.

Pain is generally the last symptom to arrive and after treatment, the first to symptom to leave, but the underlying condition has not been resolved.  So after a few days or even a week, with the same habits or patterns you have developed to prevent the onset of pain, it will return. 

This is why Treatment Plans are critical to sustained results.

Structural Integration
TMJ Dysfunction (aka TMD, TMJ Syndrome)

TMJ Dysfunction or TM Dysfunction is a dysfunction of the Temporomandibular Joint which is identified by pain and compromised movement of the jaw making and the surrounding muscles.

Primary Symptoms: A primary symptom refers to the main or underlying health issue or disorder that is being addressed. Primary symptoms are usually the first that will appear and a signal to seek treatment.

  • Jaw Pain or tenderness when opening mouth to speak or chew
  • Jaw Stiffness
  • Aching pain in or around ear
  • Aching pain around Temporal region or face
  • Difficulty chewing or moving the jaw
  • Locking or clicking in the jaw

Secondary Symptoms: A secondary symptom refers to an issue that arises as a result of, or is associated with, a primary condition. Secondary symptoms will be treated first, as we begin the process of dealing with the underlying condition. 

  • Neck or shoulder pain
  • Upper back pain 
  • Tinnitus
  • Dizziness or vertigo

Best Appointment Type:

  • Structural Integration with Myofascial Release 

Expected Treatment Plan: From our years of experience we have a structure for what will work for the conditions we treat, but we also understand that every body is different and reacts to treatment differently.  Therefore we will adapt as required throughout the treatment plan. 

  • 4 - 6  Weekly treatments for symptomatic relief
  • 2 fortnightly treatments to assess for underlying conditions and provide reassessment as required
Torticollis AKA Wry Neck

Torticollis is a condition in which the neck muscles contract, causing the head to twist to one side or a limited range of motion in one direction. 

Primary Symptoms: A primary symptom refers to the main or underlying health issue or disorder that is being addressed. Primary symptoms are usually the first that will appear and a signal to seek treatment.

  • Strong/Sharp Neck Pain
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Upper Back Tension
  • Limited Range of Motion in the Neck
  • Tilting of the head

Secondary Symptoms: A secondary symptom refers to an issue that arises as a result of, or is associated with, a primary condition. Secondary symptoms will be treated first, as we begin the process of dealing with the underlying condition.

  • Postural Imbalances
  • Neck Swelling or Tenderness
  • Nerve related symptoms - Throbbing or radiating pain
  • Balance or coordination issues
  • Dizziness

Best Appointment Type:

  • Remedial Massage
  • Myofascial Release

Expected Treatment Plan: From our years of experience we have a structure for what will work for the conditions we treat, but we also understand that every body is different and reacts to treatment differently.  Therefore we will adapt as required throughout the treatment plan. 

  • 1 - 3 weekly treatments for symptomatic relief
  • 2 fortnightly treatments including reassessment to address any underlying issues
Rotator Cuff Tendinitis

Rotator cuff injury can range from simple inflammation to tears of the muscles or tendons. It is also called rotator cuff syndrome, rotator cuff tear, rotator cuff tendonitis, and shoulder impingement syndrome.

Primary Symptoms: A primary symptom refers to the main or underlying health issue or disorder that is being addressed. Primary symptoms are usually the first that will appear and a signal to seek treatment.

  • Pain in the shoulder
  • Shoulder stiffness
  • Limited range of motion
  • Pain when lying down or sleeping

Secondary Symptoms: A secondary symptom refers to an issue that arises as a result of, or is associated with, a primary condition. Secondary symptoms will be treated first, as we begin the process of dealing with the underlying condition.

    • Clicking or popping sensation
    • Muscle Imbalances
    • Postural Changes
    • Radiating pain down the arm or neck
  • If you have pins & needles or a tingling sensation in your arm please see your GP

Best Appointment Type:

  • Remedial Massage
  • Myofascial Release

Expected Treatment Plan: From our years of experience we have a structure for what will work for the conditions we treat, but we also understand that every body is different and reacts to treatment differently.  Therefore we will adapt as required throughout the treatment plan. 

  • 4 - 6 Weekly treatments
  • 2 fortnightly treatments including reassessment
Breathing Difficulties

Breathing difficulties can cover a range of issues.  They may appear quickly or come on slowly.  Massage can assist when a breathing difficulty is due to the tightening of the muscles around the ribs, rib dysfunction or tightness of the diaphragm. For any other symptoms please see your GP.

Primary Symptoms: A primary symptom refers to the main or underlying health issue or disorder that is being addressed. Primary symptoms are usually the first that will appear and a signal to seek treatment.

    • Chest tightness or difficulty inhaling fully
    • Shortness of breath
    • Rapid breathing
    • Wheezing (unrelated to asthma, lung conditions or allergies)
  • If you have pins and needles or a tingling sensation in your arms please go to Emergency Department

Secondary Symptoms: A secondary symptom refers to an issue that arises as a result of, or is associated with, a primary condition. Secondary symptoms will be treated first, as we begin the process of dealing with the underlying condition.

  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Anxiety or panic
  • Reduced exercise tolerance
  • An ache in the chest area - if you have an acute stabbing pain in the chest area please go to the Emergency Department 

Best Appointment Type:

  • Structural Integration with Myofascial Release 

combined with 

  • Remedial Massage

Expected Treatment Plan: From our years of experience we have a structure for what will work for the conditions we treat, but we also understand that every body is different and reacts to treatment differently.  Therefore we will adapt as required throughout the treatment plan.

  • 2 weekly treatments with Structural Integration Therapist
  • 2 fortnightly treatments with Remedial Massage Therapist 
  • 1 fortnight - Final appointment to reassess with Structural Integration Therapist
Frozen Shoulder

Frozen Shoulder is a condition that affects the shoulder joint.  There are 3 phases which you will progress through, which may take anywhere from a year to 3 years.  Although we can’t speed up the process or correct the issue, soft tissue treatment can support you through the process to ensure compensatory issues don’t create a greater complexity.

Primary Symptoms: A primary symptom refers to the main or underlying health issue or disorder that is being addressed. Primary symptoms are usually the first that will appear and a signal to seek treatment.

Phase 1- Freezing Stage (6 - 9 months)

  • Pain in the shoulder (sometimes severe) when you move your arm
  • Pain gets worse over time and hurt more at night
  • Limited range of motion

Phase 2 - Frozen Stage (4 - 12 months)

  • Pain may have improved, but stiffness is worse
  • Range of motion is more difficult
  • Daily activities become harder to accomplish

Phase 3 - Thawing Stage (6 months - 2 years)

  • Range of motion starts to return
  • Pain greatly reduced

Secondary Symptoms: A secondary symptom refers to an issue that arises as a result of, or is associated with, a primary condition. Secondary symptoms will be treated first, as we begin the process of dealing with the underlying condition.

Secondary or compensatory issues may occur with a drawn out condition such as Frozen Shoulder.  To avoid or lessen further complications, it is important that you are very aware of how you are using your body to compensate for the reduced use of your arm and shoulder. 

  • Muscle atrophy
  • Compensation patterns
  • Impact on work or leisure activities 
  • Impact on mental health

Best Appointment Type:

  • Structural Integration with Myofascial Release 

combined with 

  • Remedial Massage

Expected Treatment Plan:  From our years of experience we have a structure for what will work for the conditions we treat, but we also understand that every body is different and reacts to treatment differently.  Therefore we will adapt as required throughout the treatment plan.

Treatment will depend on the stage your Frozen Shoulder is at when you present

Stage 1 or 2 (diagnosed or self diagnosed)

  • Initial Assessment + 1 weekly treatment with a Structural Integration Therapist
  • 4 Weekly treatments with a Remedial Massage Therapist 
  • Reassessment with Structural Integration Therapist 
  • 2 - 4 fortnightly treatments with a Remedial Therapist
  • Ressessment with Structural Integration Therapist 
  • Depending on the severity of the condition appointments can be spaced out to provide soft tissue support

Stage 3 (diagnosed)

  • Initial Assessment with Structral Integration Therapist
  • 3weekly - monthly support treatments with Remedial Massage Therapist (no major compensatory issues)
  • If more severe compensatory issues have developed more regular treatments may be requried to then space out to monthly
Headaches - Migraines

The most common form of headaches are tension headaches, migraines and cluster headaches.  Headaches may also arise from a number of musculoskeletal conditions.  Massage can assist by relieving tension in the body, which may be contributing to your headaches.

If you have been suffering headaches, alongside fever, vomiting, after a head injury or knock, sensitivity to light in combination with a new rash; we advise you seek a diagnosis from a GP.

Primary Symptoms: A primary symptom refers to the main or underlying health issue or disorder that is being addressed. Primary symptoms are usually the first that will appear and a signal to seek treatment.

  • Temporal/Forehead pain
  • Pain behind the eyes
  • Sensitivity to light or noise
  • Physical exertion aggravates pain
  • Impact on daily activities
  • Neck pain

Secondary Symptoms: A secondary symptom refers to an issue that arises as a result of, or is associated with, a primary condition. Secondary symptoms will be treated first, as we begin the process of dealing with the underlying condition.

  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Visual disturbances
  • Mood changes

Best Appointment Type:

Primary Symptoms only;

  • Remedial Massage
  • Myofascial Release

Secondary Symptoms;

  • Structural Integration with Myofascial Release

Expected Treatment Plan:  From our years of experience we have a structure for what will work for the conditions we treat, but we also understand that every body is different and reacts to treatment differently.  Therefore we will adapt as required throughout the treatment plan.

Primary Symptoms Only;

  • 2 - 4 weekly treatments
  • 2 fortnightly treatments including final assessment

Secondary Symptoms;

  • 4 - 6 weekly treatments
  • 2 fortnightly treatments including final assessment
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

This is a condition that requires a diagnosis from a GP or Physiotherapist.  It is a group of disorders that occur when certain blood vessels or nerves of the lower neck & upper chest are compressed.  Once diagnosed, massage can assist to manage and remedy the condition. 

Primary Symptoms: A primary symptom refers to the main or underlying health issue or disorder that is being addressed. Primary symptoms are usually the first that will appear and a signal to seek treatment.

  • tingling/buzzing/ sharp shooting pain down the arm
  • Swelling in the arm and hands
  • Decreased sensation in the hands
  • Pain in the neck, shoulders and/or arms

Secondary Symptoms: A secondary symptom refers to an issue that arises as a result of, or is associated with, a primary condition. Secondary symptoms will be treated first, as we begin the process of dealing with the underlying condition.

  • Hands feel cold and numb
  • Headaches
  • Feeling of weakness in the hands and arms

Best Appointment Type:

  • Physiotherapist 
  • Structural Integration with Myofascial Release post Diagnosis

Expected Treatment Plan: From our years of experience we have a structure for what will work for the conditions we treat, but we also understand that every body is different and reacts to treatment differently.  Therefore we will adapt as required throughout the treatment plan

  • 5 Weekly Appointments 
  • 1 fortnightly reassessment
Rib Dysfunction

This occurs when there is a misalignment of a rib or ribs in the thorax.  This can result in a mechanical dysfunction, restriction, dislodgement or inflammation between your ribs and their attachment sites.  The pain may be debilitating, due to the anatomy of the ribs.  Massage can provide immediate relief and potentially remedy the condition. 

Primary Symptoms: A primary symptom refers to the main or underlying health issue or disorder that is being addressed. Primary symptoms are usually the first that will appear and a signal to seek treatment.

  • Experience pain when breathing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Pain when twisting or bending your upper body
  • Pain along the spine or between the shoulder blades
  • Pain in the sternum

Secondary Symptoms: A secondary symptom refers to an issue that arises as a result of, or is associated with, a primary condition. Secondary symptoms will be treated first, as we begin the process of dealing with the underlying condition.

  • Poor posture
  • Chronic upper back and neck tension
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Inability to exercise

Best Appointment Type:

  • Structural Integration with Myofascial Release 

combined with 

  • Remedial Massage

Expected Treatment Plan: From our years of experience we have a structure for what will work for the conditions we treat, but we also understand that every body is different and reacts to treatment differently.  Therefore we will adapt as required throughout the treatment plan

  • 2 Weekly Appointments with Structural Integration Therapist
  • 2 Fortnightly Appointments with Remedial Massage Therapist 
  •  1 appointment in 2 - 3 weeks for Reassessment with Structural Integration Therapist

Sciatica is a very general term for pain in the back and legs.  It can be caused by anything that presses on your sciatic nerve or its nerve roots in the spine. Sciatic pain can be sharp and debilitating. Often sciatica is not caused by a serious condition and can be treated with massage therapy. 

Primary Symptoms: A primary symptom refers to the main or underlying health issue or disorder that is being addressed.  Primary symptoms are usually the first that will appear and a signal to seek treatment.

  • Burning, shooting or stabbing feeling radiating from your butt down your leg(s)
  • Muscle weakness in the legs
  • Difficulty walking & painful to sit
  • Pins and needles down one or both legs - please visit your GP for further investigation 

Secondary Symptoms: A secondary symptom refers to an issue that arises as a result of, or is associated with, a primary condition. Secondary symptoms will be treated first, as we begin the process of dealing with the underlying condition.

  • Lower back pain
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Tight and restricted leg muscles
  • Hips feel stiff with less movement

Best Appointment Type:

  • Remedial Massage
  • Myofascial Release

Expected Treatment Plan: From our years of experience we have a structure for what will work for the conditions we treat, but we also understand that every body is different and reacts to treatment differently.  Therefore we will adapt as required throughout the treatment plan

  • 3 - 5  Weekly Appointments 
  • 1 Fortnightly Reassessment
Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis Syndrome is a disorder in which the piriformis muscle in the buttocks irritates the sciatic nerve.  This can lead to sciatic pain (refer to Sciatica) 

Primary Symptoms: A primary symptom refers to the main or underlying health issue or disorder that is being addressed.  Primary symptoms are usually the first that will appear and a signal to seek treatment.

  • Light to strong dull ache in buttock 
  • Burning, shooting or stabbing feeling radiating from your butt down your leg(s)
  • Muscle weakness in the legs
  • Difficulty walking & painful to sit
  • Pins and needles down one or both legs - please visit your GP for further investigation 

Secondary Symptoms: A secondary symptom refers to an issue that arises as a result of, or is associated with, a primary condition. Secondary symptoms will be treated first, as we begin the process of dealing with the underlying condition.

  • Trouble sleeping
  • Lower back pain
  • Sore feet and legs

Best Appointment Type:

  • Myofascial Release
  • Remedial Massage

Expected Treatment Plan: From our years of experience we have a structure for what will work for the conditions we treat, but we also understand that every body is different and reacts to treatment differently.  Therefore we will adapt as required throughout the treatment plan

  • 3 Weekly Appointments 
  • 1 Fortnightly reassessment

Whiplash is a neck injury caused by sudden vigorous head movements in one direction then back again quickly.  The pain, swelling and bruising may take a few days to appear. Massage and Soft Tissue Therapy can assist by treating the damaged soft tissues in and around the neck.

Primary Symptoms: A primary symptom refers to the main or underlying health issue or disorder that is being addressed.  Primary symptoms are usually the first that will appear and a signal to seek treatment.

  • Neck stiffness/tightness
  • Pain in the neck especially when moving
  • Restricted range of motion in neck and upper back
  • Headache
  • Bruising and tenderness around the neck and shoulders 

Secondary Symptoms: A secondary symptom refers to an issue that arises as a result of, or is associated with, a primary condition. Secondary symptoms will be treated first, as we begin the process of dealing with the underlying condition.

    • Nerve symptoms in hands and/or shoulders and neck
    • Headaches
    • Vertigo
    • Dizziness and/or nausea
    • Blurred vision
    • Difficulty swallowing 
  • If you have any of the above symptoms, especially after a MVA or severe head knock - please see your GP or Emergency Department

Best Appointment Type:

  • Structural Integration with Myofascial Release

Expected Treatment Plan: From our years of experience we have a structure for what will work for the conditions we treat, but we also understand that every body is different and reacts to treatment differently.  Therefore we will adapt as required throughout the treatment plan

  • 2 - 3 Weekly Appointments
  • 1 - 2 Fortnightly Appointments
  • 1 Fortnightly Assessment
Parkinson’s Disease Maintenance

Parkinson's Disease causes the muscle tissues to tighten & ‘lock down’, which creates tension throughout the body which in turn can cause difficulty with balance and coordination and restrict breathing.  A regular soft tissue treatment will assist with these symptoms to make daily living more comfortable. The treatment will aim to help alleviate muscle stiffness, improve circulation, and promote parasympathetic activation. 

Primary Symptoms: A primary symptom refers to the main or underlying health issue or disorder that is being addressed.  Primary symptoms are usually the first that will appear and a signal to seek treatment.

  • Loss of coordination and motor control
  • Tremors
  • Difficulty walking

Secondary Symptoms: A secondary symptom refers to an issue that arises as a result of, or is associated with, a primary condition. Secondary symptoms will be treated first, as we begin the process of dealing with the underlying condition.

  • Muscle aches
  • Tight muscles especially in the lower back, hips and legs
  • Mood imbalances and depression
  • Anxiety

Best Appointment Type:

  • Structural Integration with Myofascial Release 

combined with 

  • Remedial Massage

Expected Treatment Plan: From our years of experience we have a structure for what will work for the conditions we treat, but we also understand that every body is different and reacts to treatment differently.  Therefore we will adapt as required throughout the treatment plan

  • Initial 2 fortnightly sessions with Structural Integration Therapist
  • Monthly sessions with Remedial Massage Therapist
  • One session a quarter with Structural Integration Therapist

Scoliosis is a condition that has two distinct diagnosis.  Functional Scoliosis is a type of spinal curvature that occurs due to muscle imbalances or other external factors.  Structural Scoliosis is caused by a structural abnormality of the spine.

Massage Therapy can provide support through general maintenance for both types of scoliosis.. If you have a diagnosis of scoliosis it is important to understand the benefits and limitations of soft tissue work for you individually. 

Functional Scoliosis - massage can assist in correcting postural imbalances, which may be an underlying cause of the symptoms 

Structural Scoliosis - massage cannot correct structural issues, but may help relieve muscle tension and improve overall flexibility and mobility

Primary Symptoms: A primary symptom refers to the main or underlying health issue or disorder that is being addressed. Primary symptoms are usually the first that will appear and a signal to seek treatment.

  • Mild postural abnormalities
  • Misaligned spine
  • One side of the hip sits higher than the other
  • Shoulder blades are not parallel

Secondary Symptoms: A secondary symptom refers to an issue that arises as a result of, or is associated with, a primary condition. Secondary symptoms will be treated first, as we begin the process of dealing with the underlying condition.

  • Muscle pain
  • Muscle spasms and cramps
  • Difficulty during exercise
  • Breathing difficulties 

Best Appointment Type:

  • Remedial Massage
  • Myofascial Release
  • If a diagnosis of Structural Scoliosis we recommend seeing a Structural Integration therapist for the initial assessment & treatment 

Expected Treatment Plan: From our years of experience we have a structure for what will work for the conditions we treat, but we also understand that every body is different and reacts to treatment differently.  Therefore we will adapt as required throughout the treatment plan

Functional Scoliosis

  • 2 weekly or fortnightly treatments (severity dependent) 
  • Monthly Maintenance

Structural Scoliosis

  • 2 weekly treatments 
  • 3 - 4 weekly maintenance
  • We encourage a collaborative approach with your other health professionals
Tennis/Golfers Elbow

Primary Symptoms: A primary symptom refers to the main or underlying health issue or disorder that is being addressed. Primary symptoms are usually the first that will appear and a signal to seek treatment.

  • Aching pain around your elbow
  • Pain appears after using arms for a substantial amount of time
  • Tight muscles in the forearm

Secondary Symptoms: A secondary symptom refers to an issue that arises as a result of, or is associated with, a primary condition. Secondary symptoms will be treated first, as we begin the process of dealing with the underlying condition.

  • Decreased ability to do repetitive work involving the arms
  • Decreased range of motion in your elbow and wrist
  • Elbow/forearm is tender to touch

Best Appointment Type:

  • Remedial Massage
  • Myofascial Release

Expected Treatment Plan: From our years of experience we have a structure for what will work for the conditions we treat, but we also understand that every body is different and reacts to treatment differently.  Therefore we will adapt as required throughout the treatment plan

    • 3 Weekly Appointments
    • 2 Fortnightly Appointments including a reassessment 
  • This treatment plan will require a reduction in golf/tennis to provide the best results


Tired, Sore, Over/Under Worked Muscles

Primary Symptoms: A primary symptom refers to the main or underlying health issue or disorder that is being addressed. Primary symptoms are usually the first that will appear and a signal to seek treatment.

  • Dull ache in the muscle
  • Tight ‘spots’ in muscles
  • Tension in affected and surrounding muscles
  • Postural imbalances

Secondary Symptoms: A secondary symptom refers to an issue that arises as a result of, or is associated with, a primary condition. Secondary symptoms will be treated first, as we begin the process of dealing with the underlying condition.

  • Decreased ability to train
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Fatigue
  • Increased risk of injury

Best Appointment Type:

  • Remedial Massage
  • Myofascial Release

Expected Treatment Plan: If you are extremely active you are likely to require a more frequent treatment to assist in muscle recovery and to allow you to continue training at your desired level. Our recommendations are;

  • 2 - 3 weekly for Extremely Active (intense fitness routine 5+ days/week)
  • 4 - 6 weekly for Active (fitness routine 3+ days/week)
  • 6 - 8 weekly for General Life Maintenance 

Using your muscles helps keep them healthy, so, if you have a very sedentary job/lifestyle and don’t do much physical activity your soft tissues may require some assistance. A regular treatment can assist in keeping your soft tissues healthy.

  • 3 - 6 weekly for Sedentary Lifestyle
Multiple Sclerosis Support (diagnosed)

Multiple Sclerosis is a condition that causes numerous symptoms including (but not limited to) pain, fatigue and impaired coordination. Severity and duration of symptoms vary from person to person, while some people may be symptom free most of their lives, others may suffer severe, chronic symptoms that never go away.

Soft tissue treatment can support the weakened immune system, assist with muscle fatigue and aches as well as calming the nervous system.  

Primary Symptoms: A primary symptom refers to the main or underlying health issue or disorder that is being addressed. Primary symptoms are usually the first that will appear and a signal to seek treatment.

  • Dull ache in the muscle
  • Tight ‘spots’ in muscles
  • Tension in affected and surrounding muscles
  • Postural imbalances

Secondary Symptoms: A secondary symptom refers to an issue that arises as a result of, or is associated with, a primary condition. Secondary symptoms will be treated first, as we begin the process of dealing with the underlying condition.

  • Decreased ability to train
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Fatigue
  • Increased risk of injury
  • Mobility and coordination impairment 

Best Appointment Type:

  • Structural Integration Therapist
  • Remedial Massage
  • Myofascial Release

Expected Treatment Plan: From our years of experience we have a structure for what will work for the conditions we treat, but we also understand that every body is different and reacts to treatment differently.  Therefore we will adapt as required throughout the treatment plan

Minimal to well managed symptoms 

  • Fortnightly - monthly soft tissue release (the cadence of treatment is a personal preference and dependent on your response to treatment.  Remedial Massage Therapist or Myofascial Release

Severe symptoms or episodes

  • Fortnightly treatements;
    • Monthly with a Structural Integration Therapist
    • Monthly with Remedial Therapist
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