About Us

About Us | Our Foundation

Muscle Medicine began in 2002 to promote the elements of living the best life you can, this was built on the foundation of;

Education through treatment & clear communication Treatment for functional change & sustainable resultsAssessing for underlying dysfunction and not superficial pain or injuryUnderstanding that the human body is a complex web, where nothing works, or fails, in isolation

About Us | The Muscle Medicine Method

We use an integrated approach to the functional treatment of soft tissue injuries, discomfort and maintenance.  Our treatments go beyond the modalities and techniques we combine to deliver sustainable results in our treatment rooms. We ensure we provide you an overview of our recommendations -  a written treatment plan and a path out of your pain or discomfort.

We have developed this approach and our techniques over years engaging with clients, and we call it the Muscle Medicine Method

The cornerstones of the Muscle Medicine Method, combined with our Foundation is what we have built our practice on, and how we train and mentor our team;

Functional Assessment

Assessing you across your planes of movement and within your lifestyle requirements

Structural Integration

Creating supported changes in your body to develop new movement patterns

Soft Tissue Therapy

A range of techniques that target the myofascia, muscle tissue and other soft connecting tissues within your musculoskeletal system

Treatment Plans

A clear and concise plan for moving you out of pain and discomfort and towards better movement


Supporting and underpinning our Treatment Plans is our Maintenance Plans for continued soft tissue health.

The Muscle Medicine Method

Our focus is on solution-based treatments.  We seek to understand your situation, pain and discomfort, your goals and what is holding you back from achieving them.  Click here to find out more about how our appointments work.

We treat clients who wish to train for and run a marathon or ultra marathon, 5-10km fun run, recover from an injury, pick up their grandchildren or simply live an active life – without pain. 

Our goal is to get you to reach yours - no matter how big or small.

Meet the Team

Coby du Preez

Founder, Clinical Director, Integration Therapist

Rudie Alexandre

Integration Therapist

Florence Biancardi

Integration Therapist

Aaron Hubig

Integrated Therapist

Alex May

Senior Remedial Therapist

Daniel Carnt

Remedial Therapist

Danni du Preez

Co-Founder, Operations

Our Team

Our team is a curious bunch!  They are lifelong learners, who engage with external courses as well as the mentoring and internal training we provide.

Our Clinical Director takes on the role of lead mentor, but we also believe we can learn from each other, we all bring unique experiences to the table.  Our team sessions allow us to collaborate and share our learnings.

As our team takes on new learnings through one of these channels they will engage these in your treatments, but not until they have passed relevant qualifications or been assessed by our Clinical Director.

Our Remedial Massage Therapists work closely with our Structural Integration Therapists to provide accessible treatment support throughout your recommended plan.

Alex May

Senior Remedial Therapist

Primary Qualifications

Dip. Remedial Massage

Additional Certifications

Introduction to CuppingMuscle Medicine Mentoring Program


Australian Traditional Medicine Society ATMS53337

Alex started on the Muscle Medicine mentoring program and worked closely with Coby as he developed his techniques and treatment style.  He has become sought after for his deep tissue maintenance treatments and his ability to provide postural correction to relieve pain from office and desk bound workers.

Why manual therapy?

I want to assist people on their journey to health and pain-free movement. Having previously struggled with my own posture and pain, I understand what it's like. Our bodies haven't evolved as fast as our society has and to keep up with the fast-paced nature of your life, you need to take care of your body and your posture. I can help you to achieve your movement goals and assist you in developing an understanding of your body and the biomechanics of how we move as human beings. 

Why Muscle Medicine? 

I am proud to work at Muscle Medicine because of their proven treatment method and supportive clinic environment. They take care of their clients and their team to ensure we can achieve the best results together.

What keeps you moving?

Aside from enjoying working in physical therapy, I love to keep active and consider myself a bit of an adrenaline junkie. On the weekends, you'll find me ripping down some mountain bike trails or bouldering up some rocks for some climbing. I thoroughly enjoy travelling and have lived in 6 countries in my life.

After a month of sitting crouched at my desk delivering a big project I was so grateful for Alex’s expertise and ability. He released the tension I was holding and after the first session I felt more aligned and connected to my body. I will definitely be taking his advice on regular treatment and then general maintenance.

Kate Cutler
The treatment with Alex was fantastic. After a short consultation, he identified the areas that would need focussing on and he adapted as the treatment progressed. I felt relief and a postural shift from the initial session and the treatment plan is a great way to get me focussed on improvements I can make as well. I learned a lot.

Matthew Slattery

Florence Biancardi

Integration Therapist

Primary Qualifications

Dip. Remedial MassagePhysiotherapy - BrazilRPG Postural Reeducation

Additional Certifications

Cranio Sacral TherapyAnatomy TrainsMyofascial ReleaseTMJ


Australian Natural Therapies Association #29274

Florence is passionate about biomechanics and has been practicing manual therapy since completing her Physio degree in Brazil in 2002. She holds a special interest in enhancing movement and joint space for more dissociated mobility and function effectivity. As a former modern ballerina and a current Iyengar yoga practitioner for over 20 years, her focus extends beyond studying the body solely as a musculoskeletal system. Instead, she sees it as a vehicle to experience life in the most meaningful way.

Florence joined Muscle Medicine in late 2023.

Why manual therapy?

It seems to be one of the most effective forms of communication I have encountered. The combination of 20 years of empirical studies and my holistic nature underscores the importance of empathy and human connection in this field. Touch has not been overrated. Touch is a supportive tool in the self-healing process while I can personalise and target a precise intervention. 

Why Muscle Medicine? 

Teamwork has been a long-standing dream. After working independently for a considerable time, I recognise that professional exchange is the essential key to motivation and a clear approach to treatment. Discovering Muscle Medicine as an organisation that takes the responsibility to do their best and go beyond what is known as the easy answer, where each client is treated significantly, is incredibly exciting. 

What keeps you moving?

As the mother of a special needs child, Florence is a lioness for her cub. Balancing playtime with women’s health studies, she accesses insights for her busy daily life. Her keen interest extends to reading about parenting and art, with the mystery of life touching her in profound ways.

I started to see Florence after a motorcycle accident, as I had some pelvis injuries. I cannot describe how I feel better and relaxed after every session with her. She helped me improve my balance, movements, muscles strength, and foremost my connection to my body. It's amazing how she prepares every session, giving me exactly what my body needs to recover. I am so lucky I found Florence.

Alex Grinberg
While visiting friends in Sydney I had two terrific massages from Florence. She was able to relieve my back pain while giving me really great massages that relieved and relaxed my entire body. My husband and I own 2 massage businesses in the US, and I get weekly massages there, but I can say that the massages I had with Florence were some of the best I've ever had.

Pamela D

Danni du Preez

Co-Founder, Operations

Primary Qualifications

B. Comm & HR

Additional Qualifications

Workplace & Business CoachingNLP Master Practitioner

Danni worked closely with Coby to create the Muscle Medicine brand and bring the Double Bay clinic to life.  Building the systems and processes, recruiting and training the team across the non-clinical aspects of the practice and keeping the practice on its axis is Danni’s contribution to the team.

Why manual therapy?
Interestingly, when I finished my Commerce degree back in (yep, way back then) I was extremely interested in sports and human movement. I considered going back to study Physiotherapy - but Europe called instead! 

Why muscle medicine?
I feel I have come full circle and am blessed to work in a field in which I have harboured a love and interest for so long. Being able to bring my knowledge and experience to grow a business that helps people be the best they can be is extremely rewarding. I love working closely with our team as they grow in their roles and supporting them so they can focus on what they do best - treat our clients for sustained results. 

Outside the Treatment Room
Well, I'm always outside the treatment rooms! But outside the clinic, I still love to be sporty and try to run, cycle or swim most days. Getting into the ocean is a delight for me and helps keep me centred. I'm hoping to add a few more runs to my achievements with another City to Surf and a few 10kms

Coby du Preez

Founder, Clinical Director, Integration Therapist

Primary Qualifications

Dip Remedial Massage

Additional Certifications

Dry Needling Level 1 & 2Cupping Myofascial ReleaseTMJLymphatic DrainageAnatomy Trains: Myofasical Lines Biomechanics of the Lower Limbs


Australian Traditional Medicine Society ATMS15069

Coby started his manual therapy career in 2001, when he started working as a sole practitioner.  He created the muscle medicine brand that was brought to life in 2015 in the lead up to the Double Bay clinic opening in 2019. Helping people feel their best physically is his passion.

Why manual therapy? 

I started my working life as a chef, long, late, antisocial hours and a life that was work hard/play hard.  I realised it was not the life that was going to create the future I wanted, so I looked for another path.  I’ve always been good with my hands and leaning towards manual therapy helped me carve out a healthier lifestyle.  

Since I started working in manual therapy I have loved learning more and more about the human body and how it can be improved and maintained for optimal health.

Why muscle medicine? 

After 10+ years in the industry, I had heard from many clients that they weren't able to get the same results elsewhere, plus they complained about the wait time for appointments with me!

At this time Danni and I started dreaming about forming a company where we could work together and help more people achieve their goals. Our vision was to be able to help more clients achieve their wellness goals by building a collection of well trained and skilled therapists.  We achieved this by providing opportunities for therapists to learn on the job from practitioners with years of experience.   

I knew once I left my formal education behind, the real learning started by listening to my mentors and working beside some fantastic therapists. I wanted to pay it forward to the manual therapy community that helped me become the therapist I am. 

So muscle medicine developed into our current clinic in Double Bay in 2019 and I am really proud of the team we have assembled, the team we have seen go on to live their dreams and those who will come in the future. 

Outside the Treatment Room
Many of my clients know my love for music, food, and wine, but what many don't know is I play a mean didgeridoo and I'm not that bad on the bongos either.

Muscle Medicine has changed my life, I suffered chronic neck pain for over 15 years, I tried many different practitioners to ease my pain, but to no avail. I was highly recommended to Coby, even after the first treatment I felt relief, I now do a monthly maintenance programme which is highly beneficial to my body's wellbeing.

Michelle Placks
I can't recommend Muscle Medicine and Coby enough! I first went to Coby a year ago with a knee so painful that it hurt to walk up and down stairs. Rather than just focusing on the knee itself, Coby has worked on re-aligning my entire body and as a result, I'm feeling the best I've felt in years. Thank you for a wonderful experience and great customer service Coby and Dani!

Laura Pope

Daniel Carnt

Remedial Therapist

Primary Qualifications

Dip Remedial Massage

Additional Qualifications

Muscle Medicine Mentoring ProgramCupping


Australian Traditional Medicine Society ATMS53337

Daniel joined the Muscle Medicine team in 2023 after working alongside a chiropractor.  He works closely with our Structural Integration therapists on treatment plans and is the perfect therapist for regular deep tissue treatments to keep your soft tissues and autonomic nervous system healthy.

Why manual therapy?

Manual therapy is great. You can get hands on and help people to live a pain free life and there's no profession like it. Growing up I’ve always been active and I think that has helped me when it comes to being intrigued by manual therapy and to seek to help people through it.

Why Muscle Medicine?

Muscle Medicine's approach to both massage therapy and their clients really stood out to me. The philosophy of healing clients to get them long lasting results compared to farming clients for money was a driving factor for me in choosing Muscle Medicine.

Outside the Treatment Room

Outside of work I love my audio, skill toys and have been riding bmx since 2015.

Daniel has an intuition about treating. He naturally finds all the spots your body is crying out to be released and he uses slow, yet deep release techniques I have come to enjoy from the team at Muscle Medicine. I will be including Daniel in my treatment routine!

Beth R

Rudie Alexandre

Integration Therapist

Primary Qualifications

Dip Remedial Massage

Additional Certifications

Dry NeedlingCuppingMyofascial ReleaseTMJLymphatic Drainage


Australian Traditional Medicine Society ATMS27284

Rudie joined the Muscle Medicine Team in early 2022. He is a Structural Integration Therapist who blends numerous techniques to provide a rounded treatment plan.  Rudie has trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine and combines his remedial skills with this knowledge. With his years of training and experience Rudie brings a solid understanding of anatomy and pain management to the team.

Why manual therapy?

The art of manual therapy has the ability to transform body function. It is a sure way to calm and soothe the body, connecting the mind to reestablish balance. It is uniquely rewarding when the treatment plan delivers to the positive expectations of the client for sustainable results.

Why Muscle Medicine?

I wanted to join Muscle Medicine because of their tailored approach to treatment. The team is dedicated to improving functional movement in the body, not just treating short-term discomfort. My goal has always been to educate and support clients in taking the steps needed to improve their overall mobility, health, and wellness, and Muscle Medicine is the right environment for that.

Outside the Treatment Room

In my free time, I enjoy cooking and rarely follow the recipe! I love to add my own innovation and flair to a meal and can pretty much open any fridge or pantry and whip something up - something unique. I believe home cooking is an essential part of a happy, healthy body!

As a working massage therapist I believe in the maintenance of our soft tissues, but often find it difficult to relax into a treatment. The first treatment I had with Rudie allowed me to 'give in' to his experience and I truly felt the benefits. I believe in all of our therapists and Rudie is no exception to this. I will feel comfortable referring long-standing clients to him.

Coby du Preez
Rudie is a fantastic practitioner, his knowledge of the body is vast and detailed. I highly recommend him if you have anything going on with you body.

Alex Arthur

Aaron Hubig

Integrated Therapist

Primary Qualifications

Dip. Remedial MassageCert IV Fitness

Additional Certifications

Introduction to CuppingMuscle Medicine Mentoring ProgramElite Sports PerformanceBiomechanicsBreath Work & Yoga TrainingMyofascial Work & Postural Alignment


Australian Natural Therapies Association

Aaron joined Muscle Medicine in 2024.  He brings years of bodywork across a number of modalities and techniques, as well as his yoga and breathwork studies. 

Using a range of gentle massage techniques such as Remedial Massage and cup gliding to provide a feeling of deep connection with your body and a grounding influence, Aaron will help to eliminate symptoms such as discomfort or pain in your muscles or joints.  His techniques will also help to reconnect you to your body to reduce general discombobulation. 

Why Manual Therapy?

Manual therapy offers a transformative approach to enhancing bodily function, providing both calming relief and a pathway to restoring balance. Guiding clients towards sustainable results fulfills a deep sense of reward. Personally understanding the challenges of posture and pain, I'm committed to assisting individuals on their journey to optimal health and movement. In today's down-forward motions world, where our bodies struggle to open up and relax, prioritizing posture and self-care becomes essential.  My aim in taking up manual therapy is to support clients to achieve their movement goals while fostering a deeper understanding of their body. 

Why Muscle Medicine?

I saw my future with Muscle Medicine, because this team takes pride in a proven treatment methodology and a nurturing clinic environment. Here, both clients and team members receive the care necessary to achieve optimal results together. The approach is tailored to enhancing functional movement in the body, emphasizing long-term well-being above quick fixes. It was a no brainer to join the team and become part of an environment committed to educating and empowering clients to improve their mobility, health, and overall wellness.

Outside the Treatment Room

As a sports enthusiast, my goal is to keep my body in peak condition for as long as possible. To me, health equals longevity. My outlook on life is all about inner vitality radiating outward. Quirky and humor are my trademarks, and I thrive on entertaining and spreading joy during my time on this earth.

You have made my week! I'm so pleased to have found you guys!
Hayley H
The treatment has definitely helped my upper back pain - I haven't slept this well in weeks.
Fran E
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