Muscle Medicine FAQ

Below is a rang of FAQ we get asked by our patients. If you require more information or have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact our friendly team. 

For your convenience, you can book your appointment online here

FAQ Muscle Medicine
What is the difference between your massage therapy services

Remedial Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Sports Massage and Maintenance Massage are all forms of soft tissue release, as is Trigger Point Release.  They  address soft tissue pain and discomfort by providing changes in the soft tissues, shortening tissues that are locked long and lengthening tissues that have been contracted over a period of time. 

Myofascial Release differs from Soft Tissue Release in that it works on the fascia as well as the muscular tissues.  It generally uses longer, slower strokes that have a consistent pressure. Working on the fascia assists with promoting soft tissue health by creating space between the muscular tissues, the fascia and the skin, allowing blood to flow more freely bringing healing oxygen to adhesions (knots) or damaged muscle fibres. 

Structural Integration is a blend of myofascial release, soft tissue release and mobilisations to provide structural change across the way soft tissues interact with the skeletal system.

So which massage is best for me?

If you have a chronic condition, are recovering from recent surgery or are looking for one of our specialties you are best to book with one of our Structural Integration Therapists.  They will provide a full assessment, an initial treatment and a recommended treatment plan.  

Working at a desk all day?  Suffering pain or discomfort from bad posture or years of bad postural habits?  Book with one of our remedial massage therapists. 

If you are experiencing tired and achy muscles from daily activities, training or sporting events book a Remedial Deep Tissue/Sports Massage with one of our Remedially trained therapists. 

Extensive training program?  Working towards an event?  Either a myofasial release or deep tissue/sports massage would be ideal as part of your maintenance.

What is Fascia?

Fascia is a connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles, bones, organs and other structures within the body.  It is composed of collagen, providing strength and flexibility to tissues. It is a continuous network that runs from the head to the toes, it helps to separate different structures, providing integrity and smooth movement between them. Fascia also plays a part in transmitting mechanical forces generated by muscle contractions and movements.  

Tight or restricted fascia can cause;

  • Limited Range of Motion
  • Pain & Discomfort
  • Poor Posture & Alignment 
  • Impaired Circulation & Nerve Function 

Tight or restricted fascia can also reduce performance as the compromised muscle function can affect strength, power and coordination which may also lead to increased risk of injury.

Can massage therapy really help with headache relief, and migraine relief?

YES!  Often headaches and even migraines are brought on as a result of muscle gripping, tightening, or clenching.  You may be doing this without even realising, and causing yourself avoidable pain and discomfort.  Our Structural Integration therapists are trained in a range of techniques that will help relieve the pain and work to retrain your muscles to avoid these patterns for sustainable results.

What does Integrated Treatment mean?

Creating your Wellness Board of Directors!  If you have been working with other wellbeing professionals (physio, osteopath, personal trainer, pilates/yoga instructor, etc) we would love to connect with them.  If we are all working together we can ensure your treatment is cohesive and integrated to ensure the best results for you.

Even if you don't have other professionals sitting on your Board, you have us!  All of us!  We rely on each other to share experiences, allowing us to be more than the sum of our parts.  Learn more about our approach here

We also integrate our soft tissue treatment with movement therapy, education, and awareness as well as the initial and reassessments of your current situation. All of this together creates a complete health solution for you.

How is Muscle Medicine Different?

At Muscle Medicine we are passionate about the body and our clients, we treat everyone as an individual and we are solutions focused not appointment focused.

We take our time to understand the issues that our clients come in with and how their unique bodies manage their individual daily demands.

We love learning and there is never nothing to learn. The team meets weekly for ongoing training and discussions, sharing of new discoveries and tips to constantly improve our practice.

Our approach to integrated soft tissue health is quite unusual.  We have five cornerstones we engage in our Treatments; functional analysis, soft tissue therapy, movement therapy, awareness & education, and maintenance.

If you have an injury, are suffering discomfort, or are training for an event our therapists will recommend a treatment plan to assist you in reaching your goals. We start and finish the journey with you and support you along the way.

Do I have to have a soft tissue injury?

No, you don't.  You may have aches and pains, you may be experiencing tightening of your jaw or overuse of particular muscles.  Simple postural dysfunctions can cause discomfort which massage therapy can assist to provide relief.  All you need to do is tell us what you are experiencing and what it is limiting you from doing and we can help not only with relief from the discomfort or pain but to find a way through to a sustainable future without the pain and back to what you love doing.

How are your therapists different from other massage therapists?

Our therapists don’t use a one size fits all approach. Instead, they will spend time with you to understand you as an individual, how you move, what injuries you have experienced in the past, even what sport you have participated in over the years. They will take a deep look into what is going on, your area of pain, and how this is affected by, or affecting the rest of your body. 

Not only will they then provide a thorough, targeted massage treatment using their multidisciplinary skill set, but they will also spend time with you after the treatment to look at what exercises will help and what is the best individual treatment plan to cement all of this work to help you reach your goals faster.

We get to know you, understand your goals and limitations, and then create a treatment plan tailored around you.

Why do I need a treatment plan?

Pain and discomfort are usually caused when there has been a change in the function of your body.  This may have been caused by trauma (a fall, accident) or from a gradual shift in the use of your body (carrying a baby on your left hip, sitting at a work station that’s not ergonomically set up, or adapting to moving differently because of an injury). No matter how this came about the body had learned a new pattern and we need to help it unlearn and learn a better way.

It is unlikely this will occur in one session. The first session will be focused on providing you as much immediate relief as we can.  Then we will look at the shifts we need to make in your body to correct or readdress.  Severe or deep-seated patterns are likely to need more frequent appointments to start, and then we will spread these out to help your body take on the learnings on its own.  

We are committed to getting results and we work closely with our clients to achieve these results. Your treatment plan will include a recommended number of appointments over a period of time, the frequency will differ depending on your body and how it reacts to treatment. We will also provide some at home exercises to help your body make the changes it needs to.

What if I can't attend all my appointments in my treatment plan?

Our treatment plans are specifically designed to get you to your goals so we would really encourage you to stick to your treatment plan as best as you can.  Chances are you will start feeling a lessening of the symptoms after your first couple of appointments - which is fantastic, but generally, we still have some work to do behind the scenes.

We do, however, understand that life gets in the way, if you can’t make an appointment, let us know and we will do our best to reschedule you as close as possible to your original appointment or give you some tips and exercise advice to keep you ticking over until your next appointment.  The more appointments you miss, the longer it will take you to reach your goals, and even worse, the greater the chance of the original symptoms reappearing.

I feel better, do I need to come to the rest of my appointments?

It is not unusual to feel the original symptoms subside after the first 1 - 2 appointments.  Our aim is to provide as much immediate relief as we can.  Once you are in less pain, we can then start working on the true cause of your issue.

So, if you do start feeling better, our advice is to come to your next appointment and talk to your therapist.  Tell them exactly what you are feeling and they will tell you what is going on, so together you can make informed decisions about the next stages of your treatment.

Do you have a waitlist?

Yes, we have a waitlist and if you can’t see any appointments online we encourage you to call up and ask to be put on the waitlist. We often see movement the week of appointments and if you can be flexible there is a good chance we can get you in the week you would like.  All we ask is that you respond as quickly as possible so we can offer the appointment to someone else if you are not able to take it.

I just want a full body massage, is that possible?

Of course!  If you would like a more therapeutic massage then the best option is the Remedial Deep Tissue/Sports Massage for your initial appointment.  When you complete your New Client form simply click the Deep Tissue for Maintenance Option, then let your therapist know you want a full body treatment.  If there is something else going on our therapist may chat to you about it so you can make a decision about how you would like to move forward.

As our Deep Tissue Therapists are remedially trained and Muscle Medicine mentored you are getting fantastic value for money!  It's also a great way to supplement your remedial treatments in a cost-effective way.

We believe maintenance massage provides a multitude of benefits, and have a range of frequency recommendations depending on your lifestyle.

What do you charge? How long are the appointments?

All treatments with our remedial therapists can be claimed on your private health insurance, though some of the maintenance therapists are not. 

All our sessions are 60 mins. Can I have a 30 min treatment?  We don’t offer 30 minute treatments because we want to make sure we are tailoring the treatment to what is going on with you right now, we need to factor this into the time.  Once we chat and you get ready there wouldn’t be much of a treatment left.

Can I use my Private Health Benefits?

Yes. We only provide qualified therapists who either have or have applied for their Health Fund Provider numbers. 

Please confirm your therapist is currently eligible for Health Fund Rebates via our booking system or by calling our clinic.  

So if you are covered for Remedial Massage in your extras you will be able to claim your rebate on the spot and simply pay the gap. If you don’t have your card we’ll email you the receipt so you can claim with your provider directly.  

Your claim will be made under Remedial Massage, not physiotherapy, myotherapy or osteotherapy.  You can only claim under your own name.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards [AMEX, Visa, and Mastercard] with no surcharge fees. We accept Apple Pay and Google Pay as well as cash.  No cash is left on the premises overnight. 

Cancellation Policy

We know you understand and value our time, we also know that sometimes life just gets in the way.  If you are able to reschedule 24 hours or more in advance there will no charges. 

If it is 24 - 4 hours before an appointment we will do what we can to fill it and only charge you a fraction of the appointment.

If you don't reschedule within this time we can't offer that appointment to someone in need on our waitlist. So please think ahead and advise us as prior to the 24 hours.

If you aren't able to provide us with suitable notice you will need to pay a cancellation fee.  

If you can give us notice, we'll reschedule you to a suitable time and then it's a win - win!

Cancellation Fees

24 - 4 hours notice  | $65           
Less than 4 hours notice / No Shows  | Full Fee                                          


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